Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The funeral for George W. Holmbeck

The funeral for George W. Holmbeck is led by an antique 1927 fire truck

He became fire prevention officer for city of Grants Pass Fire Dept


Monday, July 21, 2008

Missing Person

Riley, Margaret DOB: 11-30-15
WFA, 503, 145, Grey waved hair to neckline, Blue eyes

1988, Chrysler, 4door, tan or blue in color with Oregon license number PAM405

On July 14, 2008 Grants Pass Department of Public Safety was notified of a missing person from Regina Way in South Grants Pass. The missing person was identified as Ms. Margaret Riley (see attached flyer). A family member who lives out of the area, made the report to Grants Pass Department of Public Safety. Ms. Riley is 92 years old and has difficulty walking without a walking stick.

She drives a 1988 Chrysler 4 door which is tan or blue in color (similar to attached photograph). According to family members it is very unusual for Ms. Riley to be gone this long without making family members aware.

Anyone who is friends with or has had contact with Ms. Riley within the past 30 days is asked to contact the Detectives Division of the Grants Pass Department of Public Safety at 474-6370.